Thursday, 21 February 2013

Charlie's Story

Join Charlie on his dental visit adventure to Children's Dental World.  

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

No Cavity Club

Hey kids, are you in the No Cavity Club? No? Well then we have to do something about that.. Here is how you become a member of the one and only Children's Dental World in Winnipeg's No Cavity Club:

When you visit us at Children's Dental World for your cleaning and checkup and you have no cavities form those nasty sugar bugs you become part of our AWESOME No Cavity Club. You then get a chance to spin the Prize Wheel and enter a draw for great prizes. Each month we have the No Cavity Club prize draw with super fun prizes like an iPod, Wii gaming systems, movie tickets, toys and board games!

But wait there is more! Once you enter the No Cavity Club you also stand a chance to win your very own Children's Dental World No Cavity Club t-shirt.

Come on down for a visit today and be part of the FUN!! Call us: 204-888-KIDS (5437)

The Children's Dental World Prize Wheel

The Children's Dental World No Cavity Club t-shirts

Monday, 11 February 2013

Our Creative Orthodontist

Our orthodontist at Children's Dental World in Winnipeg, Dr. Milos Lekic, surprised us all when he told us he was writing a book. The first thing that came to mind was, "this book must be about teeth in some way" but to our surprise he was writing a fictional novel, The Bridge Between, filled with romance, tragedy, love and war. Very impressed by his added status of author we encouraged him to share this story with the world and The Bridge Between was published.

Milos gained instant success and spent 3 consecutive weeks on the Winnipeg Bestsellers list in the paperback-fiction category. The Bridge Between is available at McNally Robinson and online at, and

Below is a short synopsis of The Bridge Between:

The Bridge Between is a story told by the main character, Mickey. When we first meet Mickey, the twelve-year-old boy is growing up in Yugoslavia with his parents and grandfather. During a full moon, his Grandfather takes Mickey to an old stone bridge spanning the Neretva River. It served as a vital trading route and also as a bridge of ideas between East and West.

Mickey, a Christian, falls in love with Leila, a Muslim from the other side of the Old Bridge. They date and go to medical school together, but are called back to their hometown because of war. As a result of their different backgrounds, they must remain on opposite sides of the bridge.

During the ensuing months Mickey, now drafted, struggles with his faith and the meaning of it all, while the land he loves and the people close to him are torn apart by war. “I guess it’s human nature to divide ‘us’ from ‘them’ and then to point fingers at each other,” the author writes early on.

It was on the Old Bridge that Mickey’s grandparents first met and fell in love, where Mickey met his beloved Leila, and where he nearly ended his life when he thought Leila was dead.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Now Expanding

We are expanding our McPhillips Street location to make your visit with us more enjoyable. Stay tuned for more updates.


Tooth Brushing Tips


Brushing and Flossing Instructions:

Children’s hands and mouths are different than adults. They need to use toothbrushes designed for children. Both adults and children should use brushes with soft, rounded bristles for a gentle cleaning. Change to a new brush about every three months.

Wipe infant’s teeth gently with a moist, soft cloth or gauze square. As babies grow, use a child’s toothbrush with a small, smear of toothpaste. By age 2 or 3 begin to teach your child to brush. You will need to brush where they miss. Dentists and Hygienists often advise children to use a gentle, sort of back and forth motion to remove plaque. When children are older they can switch to this method.

·         Hold the brush at an angle (45 degrees) towards teeth and gums. Move brush back and forth with short strokes, about a half a tooth wide.
·         Brush the inside and outside surfaces of each tooth, top and bottom.
·         Hold the brush flat on top of the teeth and brush the chewing surfaces.
·         Floss between teeth daily.

When to begin brushing:

Once your child’s teeth begin erupting, you can begin cleaning them by wiping them with a moist washcloth. As your child gets more teeth, you can begin to use a soft child’s toothbrush. You should just use a smear of a fluoride or non-fluoride toothpaste (Baby OraGel) until your child is able to spit it out (too much fluoride can stain their teeth).

For most toddlers, getting them to brush their teeth can be quite a challenge. Some suggestions for making tooth brushing less of a battle can include
·         Letting them brush your teeth at the same time.
·         Letting them pick out a few toothbrushes with their favorite characters and giving them a choice of which one they want to use each time (Gives the feeling of control)
·         Let them brush their own teeth first (you will likely “have to help out”)
·         Read some children’s books about tooth brushing.
·         Have everyone brush their teeth at the same time.

To help them understand the importance of brushing, it can be sometimes fun and helpful to let them eat/drink something that will temporarily stain their teeth, and then let them brush their teeth.

It can also be a good idea to create a “tooth brushing routine” and stick to the same routine each day.

That's all for now :)

Children's Dental World Winnipeg

Kid's Tooth Guide

Starting your child early with good oral hygiene habits is the best insurance to maintain a cavity free mouth.  Parents often ask us what has caused their children’s cavities or what can they do to prevent them.  Here is a list of some simple ways to help care for your child’s mouth.
Do not put your child to bed with a bottle filled with anything but water.  Going to bed with milk or juice on their teeth is one of the major reasons children need dental work at a young age.  Teeth should be brushed right before bed and kids shouldn’t have anything to eat or drink after, except for water.  We produce less saliva at night time, so sugars sit on teeth for longer causing more damage than at other times.
Juices should be limited to meal times.  Having a child walking around all day with a sippy cup full of juice or milk is constantly feeding oral bacteria.  These bacteria then produce acid which wears away at teeth, causing cavities.
Children should not constantly eat through the day. Just like with juice, constantly hitting the teeth with sugar makes it hard for the body to control all of the acids produced.  We always want to feed our children, and giving snacks at once is fine.  The problem is when we leave a bowl of cereal or other snacks sitting on the table and the child takes a handful every 10-15 minutes.
Start visiting the dentist early.  The guidelines for a first visit are by age one or within 6 months getting your first tooth.  Regular checkups catch problems early making then much easier fixes for children and easier on mom and dad’s wallets.
Brush right away.  As soon as teeth start showing they should be brushed twice a day using a children’s toothbrush. Although kids can practice brushing their own teeth, parents should be the main brushers up until age 7.
Look around while you are brushing.  Some cavities are quite obvious in a child’s mouth.  If you see anything that looks suspicious it is better to take your child to a dentist earlier to take care of the problem before it gets any worse.
Choose the right toothpaste.  Until children learn to swish and spit well they should be using children’s toothpastes that have little or no fluoride.  Once a child has mastered spitting, they should be switched over to adult type toothpaste because the fluoride is good at preventing cavities.
Floss teeth that touch. Many children start off with spaces between their teeth.  If the toothbrush bristles can get between the teeth, flossing is not necessary.  Wherever teeth are touching flossing should be done daily.
Fix cavities/decay.  Many people think that “they are just baby teeth, they will fall out.”  It is true, they will eventually fall out, but while they are in they can cause health issues.  Front baby teeth start falling out around age 6, but back baby molars fall out at 12 years.  Baby teeth that have significant decay can cause pain, swellings and abscesses.  These infections can be the cause of hospital stays, they can damage the permanent teeth underneath or worse of all the infections can cause damage to other organs in the body.
Fix your own decay.  While children are just getting their first teeth, they are developing their own oral bacteria.  So, if parents have active cavities and they share a glass or spoon with their child the chances of the child getting “bad” bacteria is greater.
Parents can save their children a lot of headaches and save themselves a lot of money if they follow these preventative techniques.  Prevention is much easier than cure.

Children’s Dental World Winnipeg

About us

Welcome to Children's Dental World is a dental office designed especially for children!
We have a special "Kids door", Play Station 2's in the waiting area, TVs above every dental chair AND our very own saltwater fish tanks... so come see if you can find Nemo!

We have 7 Pediatric Specialists that go above and beyond when it comes to patient care; Dr. Charles Lekic, Dr. Julie Maniate and Dr. Fadi Kass, Dr. Christopher Yue, Dr. Jay Biber, Dr. Robert Pesun and Dr. Caroline Boucher. We also have our very own Orthodontist, Dr. Milos Lekic, who treats both kids and ADULTS.

Children's Dental World is pleased to offer their patients In-house Sleep Dentistry! We are one of the few Pediatric Dental offices in Canada to offer this service. This will help make dental treatment as comfortable as possible for even the most apprehensive child. If your child requires dental treatment done under general anesthesia, we can do it safely and conveniently, all in one location. There is no longer a need to take them into a hospital setting!  Learn more about our Surgical Suite under "Important Information - Our Pediatric dentists”. We can’t wait to meet you and we are confident that you will love being a part of our family!

The vision of Children’s Dental World, Inc. (CDW) is optimal health for infants, children, adolescents and persons with special needs. CDW is guided by the belief that all children need to grow up in a protective and nurturing environment, where each child is given the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. We believe this vision can provide a brighter future for all children. The children we treat and their caring families inspire our vision. It is sustained by the extraordinary contributions of our compassionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated staff.
Our mission is to establish a “Dental Home” for your child. CDW is dedicated to providing preventive, restorative and orthodontic dental care tailored to your child’s needs in a gentle, caring, professional environment that sets dental excellence and patient care as its highest goal. This commitment drives us to be a leader in pediatric oral healthcare delivery and education for children, parents and other healthcare providers.

Warmest wishes,
Children's Dental World